Coffee Morning 2019. Last Thursday of each month
The Parish Coffee Morning takes place on the last Thursday of each month in the Village Hall at Cumwhitton. Coffee, tea and the best cakes for miles around are served between 10.30am and noon. Please feel free to come and join us; there will be a warm welcome waiting for you.
2018 was a very successful year with so many reasons to celebrate. At the top of the list must be the day we sang Happy Birthday to celebrate Peggy’s ninety seven years. The Macmillan Coffee morning was another highlight with £732 being sent off to this very worthy charity. Along the way we have been able to enjoy time with friends and family over a cup of coffee and the best cakes in the north. An appropriate time to thank all the bakers as well as all the helpers, and finally, to those attending, it is a pleasure to see you every month. The Christmas Coffee morning was a colourful event and the amount raised was boosted by the wonderful crafts made by Tracy. The January Coffee Morning will include a raffle with the winner receiving a hamper that includes very special glasses and a cheese dome engraved by Terry. This year the charities nominated to receive the donations are: Jigsaw, the Children’s Hospice, The Cumbrian Blood Bikes, The Red Squirrel group in Brampton and the Cumwhitton War Memorial Fund. By the time you read this article voting will have taken place and the two charities receiving the top votes will have received £ 235 each. Thank you all for your generosity.
In November when folk were considering worthy charities to nominate it became apparent that there was an overwhelming desire to see a Defibrillator installed in Cumwhitton. After a few discussions we are delighted to announce that The Brampton Community Hospital League of Friends has agreed to fund the total cost of a Defibrillator that will be installed on the wall of the Village Hall. At an appropriate time there will be the opportunity of a get-together where a speaker will take us through all that we need to know. Even at this early stage if you have an interest in the training or knowing more about the machine, please e mail me at davidbwade@live and I will update you directly. We hope that there will never be the need to use the machine. However, as we all live at some distance from a major hospital, it will be very reassuring to know that a Defibrillator is at hand.
A very sincere “Thank You” to John and The League of Friends for their advice and support as well as the funding that they are making available.