
Life in a Cumbrian Village

Cumwhitton Parish Council

Cumwhitton Parish Council Minutes. March 2018


Minutes of the meeting of Cumwhitton Parish Council was held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 21st. March 2018 .

1. Present:

Chairman Chris Slinger and Cllrs. Bill Candeland , Dawn Ewart, David Watson, Chris Thompson, Geoff Smith, Tracy Watt, William Graham (County Council), R. Potter and Joanne Crozier in attendance.

2. Apologies:

Doreen Parsons (City Council).

3.Neighbourhood Enforcement Officer:

Due to illness no one attended – invited to next meeting.

4.Declaration of Interests:


5.Minutes of the last meeting:

The Chairman was authorised to sign the previously circulated minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 24th. January 2018

6. Matters Arising:

(a) Council vacancies – there are two vacancies on Council.
Caroline Ritchie to be asked to join Council
C. Slinger to put a notice in the Candlestick news.

7.Public Participation:

R. Potter reported that the Hearse House repairs were finished.
The shelving had cost £392.40 and the doors £577.12 – total £969.52.
£750 in grant and £200 from C.P.C.P. has been received
Council to pay the £19.52 balance.

8. Finance:

(a) Bank Statements –
Balances – money manager account – £ 2073.72 – 25-2-2018
Community Account – £ 5320.76 – 25-2-2018

(b) Cheque from Electricity board £50.00 – received 26-1-2018
(c) Cheque from CPCP FOR Hearse House repairs – £200 received 20-3-2018

(d) Invoice ½ village hall insurance – £558.12
(e) Invoice for meetings in village hall – £60.00
(f) Invoice for clerk’s fees – 1-4-2017 to 31-3-2018 – £1546.56
(g) Invoice – T. Irving – shelving to Hearse House – £392.40
(h) Invoice – T. Irving – doors for Hears House – £577.12
(i) Invoice – G. Irving – repairs to hall door and light – £57.50
(j) Invoice – W.C.P. – cleaning bus shelter – £26.40 – paid BACS

(k) Donation to CPCP:
£500 to be donated with request that £200 of it goes towards publication of the Candlestick News

9.Village Issues

a) Roads around the parish:
G. Scott was present from highways was told of the ongoing problems and shown photographs.
b) Hearse house : Thanks to be sent to R. Potter.
c) War memorial : obtain more details of individual costs before next meeting.
d) Defibrillator : find out more details and costs and put on next meeting agenda.
e) Snow clearing Defer to next meeting.
f) Hall floor repairs: 2 quotes of £3650 and £3800 have been obtained.
Grant of £2800 to be applied for.

10. Correspondence:

a) Radar road speed signs .
b) Electoral review – boundary changes.

11. Village Issues:

a) State of village green due to electricity works:
J. Crozier to contact C. Purdham with complaint.

12. Date of next meeting:

Wednesday 23rd. May which is also the AGM at 7.30PM in the village hall.
