
Life in a Cumbrian Village

CPCP, Gardening, St Mary's Church

Cumwhitton Open Gardens. Sunday, 5th July 2015

What a successful Day! On Sunday, 5th July, Cumwhitton held its very own Garden Trail and Arts and Crafts exhibition. The weather was perfect and all the gardens looked their very best. We were delighted to welcome so many visitors, including those who had come from well beyond our Parish boundaries. The positive comments relating to the quality of the gardens were very encouraging and a credit to all nine households who will have given up so much time to prepare their gardens for the big day. A big Thank You to you all! Tea and cake was served in the village hall and I have never seen so many delicious calorie- filled cakes prepared by a hard working team who kept the visitors well fed and watered. In St Mary’s Church there was an exhibition of Arts and Crafts with all the contributors having a strong connection to our Parish. It was astonishing to know that there is so much talent in our small community.
The day provided us all with an opportunity to get together for a good chat and a catch up. However, more importantly we were raising money for our community. The Garden Trail along with the teas, coffees and cakes as well as the plant sales raised in excess of £1,000 for St Mary’s Church. The Arts and Crafts exhibition raised in excess of £200 and this money will go towards supporting activities within our community.
A very sincere “Thank You” to all those who offered their gardens for the day, all those who contributed to the Arts and Crafts exhibition, those who made the cakes, served the teas and coffees and sold the plants, and finally to all those who visited us on the day and made the event so very enjoyable.
